First Chapter Of The Book
Dr. Jim Bentley’s Book Chapters
Wing Chun
Wing Chun – The Evolutionary Science of Advanced Self-Defense, Combat, and Human Performance by Sifu Dr. Jim Bentley is the first book of its kind. Designed to simplify concepts, techniques, and strategies to make learning fun and engaging while advancing your application of techniques and enhancing your critical thinking strategies. Here is a quick preview of the chapters below.
First Chapter
Some styles have both lordotic curves, the curves naturally found in the neck and low back, remaining engaged. These styles rely mostly on massive rotation to generate power as the upper torso is disconnected from the lower torso. If they take a force to the side, the upper body moves independently of the lower body, possibly giving the opponent a tactical advantage.
I want to share a different concept. That is a new way to look at your hands, arms, feet, and legs. To begin to look at them as if they are weapons. To look at them as the weapons they truly are. As with any tool, if you use the wrong tool for the wrong job, it can damage the tool.
ABOUT the Author
Dr. Jim Bentley
Dr Bentley advanced his training under Sifu Francis Fong in Atlanta
Sifu Dr Jim Bentley is a full senior instructor in the Science, Art, and Philosophy of Wing Chun. He has also been authorized to instruct The Filipino Martial Arts, Lee Jun Fan Gung Fu, & Jeet Kune Do as a Guro under Guro Danny Inosanto. In addition to belt ranking systems, he trains with Black Ops Rangers and other military and ex-military personnel in advanced hand-to-hand combat, weaponry, improvised hand-loads, and firearm tactical training. He is also the founder of The Bentley Method of Healing. The black-ops refer to him in their circles as, “The Body Man for Martial Arts Royalty”. He provides care for many of these martial arts legends, actors, actresses, and stunt doubles. Dr Bentley feels honored to have each of these fantastic individuals under his care and excited that they promote his work through ongoing testimonials. Sifu Bentley provides instruction into the intricacies of our Wing Chun as taught in the Yip Man and Jiu Wan lineages.
Why read it?
Wing Chun
Wing Chun – The Evolutionary Science of Advanced Self-Defense, Combat, and Human Performance is a compendium to preserve, promote, and educate the Science, Art, and Philosophy of Wing Chun and how it enhances other arts. It is designed as a standalone manifesto and compliments the author’s organization’s online courses. Our mission is to empower the world.
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What Our Clients Say
Wing Chun – The Evolutionary Science of Advanced Self-Defense, Combat, and Human Performance is not your old-fashioned Wing Chun style. The author has specifically presented a simplified version of the art. 5 stars straight up!
Jackson Lee
Karate Instructor
I love how these styles are so modernized and apply to the most to be expected self-defence scenarios in the world. The moment I read the details on the website, I had to order this, and today my kids are learning Wing Chun with me.
Jamal Roach
Motivational Speaker
The author did a fantastic job to make this easy to understand. I have never come across books with a literal and visual sense of understanding a fighting style until now.
Kimberly Adams
Tattoo Artist
Every little detail about the book drew me to purchase it. I used to practice Wing Chun courtesy of YouTube, but this book made it even more accessible and made me want to educate myself on the history of this fighting style.
To explore the vast and intricate world of the Science, Art, and Philosophy of Wing Chun takes depth. More intellectually designed questions get us deeper answers. The science is the how, the art is the how, the Philosophy is the how, the cumulative effect of the three combined is the Tao, or The Way.